Recent academic publications

  1. Impact of roaming regulation on revenues and prices of mobile operators in the EU,

    Lukasz Grzybowski and Ángela Muñoz-Acevedo, International Journal of Industrial Organization, forthcoming.

  2. International price differences in online markets - Evidence from portable computers,

    Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, Frank Verboven and Andre Romahn, American Economic Journal: Micro, forthcoming. 

  3. Bundling and consumer churn in telecommunications,

    Lukasz Grzybowski, Christine Zulehner and Julienne Liang, Review of Network Economics, 2021, 20(1), pp.35-54. 

  4. Estimating consumer inertia in repeated choices of smartphones,

    Lukasz Grzybowski and Ambre Nicolle, Journal of Industrial Economics, 2021, 63(1), pp.33-82.

  5. Are online markets more integrated than traditional markets? Evidence from consumer electronics,

    Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, Frank Verboven and Andre Romahn, Journal of International Economics, 2021, 131.

  6. Distribution of the benefits of regulation vs. competition: The case of mobile telephony in South Africa,

    Lukasz Grzybowski and Ryan Hawthorne, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2021, 74.

  7. Unbundling the incumbent and deployment of high-speed broadband: Evidence from France,

    Marc Bourreau, Lukasz Grzybowski and Maude Hasbi, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2019, 67.

  8. Impact of competition, investment and regulation on prices of mobile services: Evidence from France,

    Lukasz Grzybowski, Ambre Nicolle and Christine Zulehner, Economic Inquiry, 2018, 56, Issue 2, pp.1322-1345.

  9. Transition from copper to fiber broadband: The role of connection speed and switching costs,

    Lukasz Grzybowski, Julienne Liang and Maude Hasbi, Information Economics and Policy, 2018, 42, pp.1-10.

  10. The impact of online sales on consumers and firms. Evidence from consumer electronics,

    Nestor Duch-Brown, Lukasz Grzybowski, Andre Romahn and Frank Verboven, Frank, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 2017, 52, pp.30-62.

  11. Infrastructure deficiencies and adoption of mobile money in Sub-Saharan Africa,

    Lukasz Grzybowski and Onkokame Mothobi, Information Economics and Policy, 2017, 40, pp.71–79.